A tale about god, science and politics


Long time ago, thousands and thousands of years ago – perhaps when man came to talk – a tribe was in trouble with food. Concerned about the situation, two members of the tribe – Gad and Sen – talked about how to secure the food they needed so much. It was obvious that they had the concern of the whole clan. Next to them sat another member of the tribe – Pol, who was listening attentively. The rest of the tribe stood a little further; tired and frightened, and stared wide eyed at those three – as if they would invent food at any moment.

Image source: alainahwh.weebly.com

At the end of the conversation:

Gad said: We will not die, because god will send us food at the last moment to save our lives as he did in the past.

Sen said: To survive, we all (or only part of us) must go away to find food. If we want to stay here for a long time, then we must cultivate and conserve food.  

Pol said: I appreciate this conversation you are having; when you get the food, bring it to me. I will keep and deliver it as needed, so that we can have food all the time. 

Gad, Sen and Pol’s tribe survived.

The three of them set up support teams and clerks.

From then on, these three and their descendants developed ideas and practices to realize their goals that go beyond food.  

Today. The descendants of Gad have decreased in numbers, compared to a time when they were the largest in number and rulers among all communities; they secure the food and household for themselves by spiritual power over believers. Sen’s descendants are a very numerous community and increasingly efficient. Pol’s descendants – politicians – are those who decide on the fate of all communities.



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