Top 5 fruits which give you a fabulous skin


Eat your way to health! Similar to all our organs, the skin is affected by the diet that we choose to consume. When it comes to skin “you are what you eat” has never been more valid! And especially if what benefits our skin is delicious too: fruits!

Wrinkles, acne and age spots are the inevitable result of time, but skin problems may be sped up by overexposure to the sun and tanning beds, strong soaps, chemicals and poor nutrition. With this in mind, a holistic approach is best. Treat your skin kindly and optimize your nutrition by eating antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetables, healthy fats from oily fish and nuts, and a varied and balanced diet. This should give optimal levels of the nutrients that are crucial for radiant skin, including beta carotene, vitamins C and E, zinc and selenium.

Below are top five superfruits which will feed you and will feed your skin the vital nutrients it needs to help it stay soft, supple and blemish-free. 


Oranges are jam-packed with pro-vitamin A, which can help to fight sun damage. They also contain substantial amounts of vitamin C, which promotes plump, youthful skin by increasing collagen production.


Blueberries are anti-aging powerhouses which help to fight the signs of aging by reducing free radical damage prompted by harmful external factors, known as the exposome. 

3.Acai berries

If you suffer from acne, applying an all-natural mask featuring acai berries or acai oil can help with redness, with their high levels of anti-oxidants also reported to help improve skin circulation.


Avocados are bursting with fatty acids, which are extremely effective when it comes to skin hydration. This superfruit also helps the skin below the surface, with their high levels of vitamin A helping to promote cell repair.


Consuming cranberries in juice or berry form can result in brighter, more glowing skin. Overmore, cranberries’ acidic chemical composition can help with overly oily or shiny skin, as well as soothing redness.

Source: BBC Good Food, Vichy UK



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